Classical Cities of Old Castile

Journey through the heart & soul of Spain

Holiday Highlights

Capital highlights | Madrid showcases many great art treasures across three world-class galleries.
Salamanca | An ancient centre of learning that once rivalled Oxford and Padua.
Golden Age | Among the spires of Segovia, trace the foundations of the Spanish state.
Local delicacies | Enjoy tapas in historic city plazas.
Excellent locations | Stay in three hand-picked hotels, each chosen for their setting
Classical Cities of Old Castile. 6 nights
Classical Cities of Old Castile. 6 nights

Holiday information


A touring holiday in Castile

Delve into Spain’s Golden Age by visiting the great cities of Segovia, Salamanca and Madrid on a journey by rail. Thanks to our detailed cultural notes and self-guided city walking tours, you’ll learn about their rich history as you explore famous sights and hidden corners.
Embark on a historical and artistic voyage through the heart of Spain that explores the extraordinary cultural explosion that occurred in the 16th century. Journeying by rail, and accompanied by our detailed notes, you learn about the pivotal events that paved the way for the Golden Age, discover something of its remarkable monumental legacy, encounter the centre of 16th-century Spanish thought, and enter the worlds of El Greco, Cervantes and Velázquez. Little by little, each of our chosen cities reveal their unique contribution.

Beginning amid the soaring spires of Segovia, you trace the very foundations of the Spanish state, as it was here that Ferdinand and Isabella united the dynasties of Castile and Aragon. From here you travel westwards to Salamanca, an ancient centre of learning that once rivalled Oxford and Padua – its ornate secular and religious buildings are testament to its prestige and make it one of the great jewels of Spain. Last, but certainly by no means least, is Madrid. Spain’s capital since the Golden Age, it is the heart of the country, not only geographically, but culturally, too, boasting many Spanish art treasures in its three world-class galleries.



The key to Inntravel holidays is flexibility. You can start on the day of your choice, and are free to add extra nights.
  • Arrival in Segovia
    Night 1: at Hotel Don Felipe (the first of two nights here).
    As your first night's accommodation is on the day of travel, Day 1 is your first day of exploration.
  • Explore Segovia
    Segovia was once one of the most illustrious cities in the whole of the Iberian Peninsula. It is a UNESCO-listed cultural gem that remains delightfully off the tourist radar and richly repays exploration on foot using our self-guided walking tour. Wander the medieval back streets, gaze upwards in awe at soaring spires and the astonishing Roman aqueduct, and pay a visit to the ornate Alcázar where the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon came together, giving birth to ‘Spain’ itself. Treat yourselves too, perhaps, to the local delicacy, suckling pig, in one of the many traditional restaurants.
    Segovia's Roman aqueduct
  • Segovia to Salamanca
    A scenic train journey via the rolling Castilian plain takes you west to Salamanca, a renowned seat of learning where you stay two nights at the Hotel Rector.
  • Explore Salamanca
    One of the great jewels of Spain, Salamanca’s ornate secular and religious buildings are testament to the city’s prestige as a centre of learning that once rivalled Oxford and Padua. Climb the great bell towers to admire the city skyline, rest in one of the many tranquil cloisters, marvel at the extraordinarily intricate masonry of the cathedral and pause for tapas in the remarkable Baroque central square, a lively gathering place for old and young alike.
    Glorious Salamanca
  • Salamanca to Madrid
    The train ride from Salamanca to Madrid takes about two-and-a-half hours, meaning that, with a morning departure, you can enjoy a full afternoon in the capital after dropping off your cases at the Hotel Catalonia las Cortes, where you spend two nights.
  • Explore Madrid
    Spain’s capital since the Golden Age, Madrid is the heart of the country, not only geographically, but culturally, too, boasting many Spanish art treasures. As well as great masterpieces, it has parks, extraordinary food and, more surprisingly, a collection of traditional working neighbourhoods. From your centrally located hotel, try one of our two walking tours, the first focusing on the world-class museums of the Prado, Reina Sofía and Thyssen-Bornemisza and the surrounding quarter, the other exploring the Barrio de los Austrias district, where you might be tempted to linger among the many small shops and tapas bars before taking in the grand royal palace and cathedral.
    Explore traditional neighbourhoods


You stay at three high-quality hotels hand-picked for their excellent locations.

Extend your stay

Prices & travel options
All prices are in £ sterling (GBP). If you'd like to see what they equate to in your currency, use the converter. For general information on pricing, see the 'your holiday price explained' page.
Currency converter
We can only accept payment in GBP, but you can use this converter to find out how much the holiday equates to in your own currency.
Please enter an amount Please enter a valid amount British Pound Sterling (GBP)
Currency is required
NB: this should be used as a guide only. Fluctuations in exchange rates could result in significant variation by the time you come to pay.
  • 6 nights: 03 January 2024 - 24 December 2024 & 01 January 2025 - 31 December 2025

    Start any day | End by latest date(s) shown above

    Starting Price Single room
    3 Jan - 17 Mar 2024 £965 £540
    18 Mar - 1 Apr 2024 £1025 £600
    2 - 9 Apr 2024 £1150 £700
    10 Apr - 10 Jun 2024 £1070 £635
    11 - 24 Jun 2024 £965 £545
    25 Jun - 31 Aug 2024 £1000 £575
    1 Sep - 31 Oct 2024 £1105 £655
    1 - 30 Nov 2024 £1000 £575
    1 - 12 Dec 2024 £1150 £700
    13 - 18 Dec 2024 £965 £540
    1 Jan - 17 Mar 2025 £1005 £565
    18 Mar - 1 Apr 2025 £1070 £625
    2 - 9 Apr 2025 £1200 £730
    10 Apr - 10 Jun 2025 £1115 £665
    11 - 24 Jun 2025 £1005 £570
    25 Jun - 31 Aug 2025 £1040 £600
    1 Sep - 31 Oct 2025 £1140 £685
    1 - 30 Nov 2025 £1040 £600
    1 - 12 Dec 2025 £1200 £730
    13 - 25 Dec 2025 £1005 £565
    3rd & 4th person discount £0
    Single traveller supplement £0

    Includes accommodation, meals, travel between hotels and any other services integral to the holiday as described, plus a detailed information pack, but no travel from the UK, nor any connecting travel from the airport unless stated below.

    Included travel: Madrid-Segovia-Salamanca-Madrid by rail
    Pay locally for travel arrangements between city stations and hotels

    Book your flights through us and we'll find the best route and times to suit you. Please contact us to find out more about our flight booking service. We can also book connecting travel - see below.

  • Room upgrades (£ per person per night)

    Hotel Rector, Salamanca
    Deluxe: 03 Jan - 24 Dec 2024 £18
    Deluxe: 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2025 £19
    Junior Suite: 03 Jan - 24 Dec 2024 £55
    Junior Suite: 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2025 £57
    Suite: 03 Jan - 24 Dec 2024 £77
    Suite: 01 Jan - 31 Dec 2025 £80
    Hotel Catalonia Las Cortes, Madrid
    Premium: 03 Jan - 31 Mar 2024 £29
    Premium: 01 Apr - 24 Dec 2024 £35
    Premium: 01 Jan - 31 Mar 2025 £30
    Premium: 01 Apr - 31 Dec 2025 £36
    Superior: 03 Jan - 31 Mar 2024 £66
    Superior: 01 Apr - 24 Dec 2024 £79
    Superior: 01 Jan - 31 Mar 2025 £69
    Superior: 01 Apr - 31 Dec 2025 £82

    Extra nights (£ per person per night) in a double or single room

    Hotel Don Felipe, Segovia (B&B) Double room Single room
    03 Jan - 29 Feb 2024 £73 £135
    01 Mar - 30 Mar 2024 £68 £123
    31 Mar - 04 Apr 2024 £86 £154
    05 Apr - 08 Apr 2024 £155 £290
    09 Apr - 09 Apr 2024 £97 £183
    10 Apr - 28 Apr 2024 £73 £135
    29 Apr - 31 May 2024 £86 £154
    01 Jun - 31 Jul 2024 £73 £135
    01 Aug - 16 Oct 2024 £86 £154
    17 Oct - 31 Oct 2024 £73 £135
    01 Nov - 01 Dec 2024 £68 £123
    02 Dec - 04 Dec 2024 £86 £154
    05 Dec - 05 Dec 2024 £110 £202
    06 Dec - 10 Dec 2024 £155 £300
    11 Dec - 22 Dec 2024 £68 £123
    23 Dec - 24 Dec 2024 £73 £135
    01 Jan - 28 Feb 2025 £76 £140
    01 Mar - 30 Mar 2025 £71 £128
    31 Mar - 04 Apr 2025 £89 £160
    05 Apr - 08 Apr 2025 £165 £310
    09 Apr - 09 Apr 2025 £101 £190
    10 Apr - 28 Apr 2025 £76 £140
    29 Apr - 31 May 2025 £89 £160
    01 Jun - 31 Jul 2025 £76 £140
    01 Aug - 16 Oct 2025 £89 £160
    17 Oct - 31 Oct 2025 £76 £140
    01 Nov - 01 Dec 2025 £71 £128
    02 Dec - 04 Dec 2025 £89 £160
    05 Dec - 05 Dec 2025 £114 £210
    06 Dec - 10 Dec 2025 £165 £320
    11 Dec - 22 Dec 2025 £71 £128
    23 Dec - 31 Dec 2025 £76 £140
    Add £28pp/n (£56pn in a single) in 2023 for all Friday & Saturday stays
    Hotel Rector, Salamanca (B&B) Double room Single room
    03 Jan - 02 Apr 2024 £110 £200
    03 Apr - 09 Apr 2024 £121 £224
    10 Apr - 30 Jun 2024 £110 £200
    01 Jul - 06 Sep 2024 £117 £218
    07 Sep - 14 Sep 2024 £125 £239
    15 Sep - 10 Oct 2024 £117 £218
    11 Oct - 13 Oct 2024 £125 £239
    14 Oct - 03 Dec 2024 £117 £218
    04 Dec - 08 Dec 2024 £125 £239
    09 Dec - 24 Dec 2024 £117 £218
    01 Jan - 02 Apr 2025 £114 £208
    03 Apr - 09 Apr 2025 £130 £237
    10 Apr - 30 Jun 2025 £114 £208
    01 Jul - 06 Sep 2025 £122 £227
    07 Sep - 14 Sep 2025 £130 £249
    15 Sep - 10 Oct 2025 £122 £227
    11 Oct - 13 Oct 2025 £130 £249
    14 Oct - 03 Dec 2025 £122 £227
    04 Dec - 08 Dec 2025 £130 £249
    09 Dec - 31 Dec 2025 £122 £227
    Hotel Catalonia Las Cortes, Madrid (B&B) Double room Single room
    03 Jan - 18 Jan 2024 £110 £176
    19 Jan - 24 Jan 2024 £150 £253
    25 Jan - 23 Feb 2024 £110 £176
    24 Feb - 29 Feb 2024 £150 £253
    01 Mar - 19 Mar 2024 £117 £190
    20 Mar - 17 Apr 2024 £150 £253
    18 Apr - 28 Apr 2024 £128 £212
    29 Apr - 13 Jun 2024 £145 £246
    14 Jun - 30 Jun 2024 £128 £212
    01 Jul - 31 Jul 2024 £121 £194
    01 Aug - 05 Sep 2024 £108 £172
    06 Sep - 29 Sep 2024 £140 £230
    30 Sep - 01 Nov 2024 £155 £263
    02 Nov - 24 Dec 2024 £121 £194
    01 Jan - 18 Jan 2025 £114 £183
    19 Jan - 24 Jan 2025 £160 £267
    25 Jan - 23 Feb 2025 £114 £183
    24 Feb - 28 Feb 2025 £160 £267
    01 Mar - 19 Mar 2025 £122 £198
    20 Mar - 17 Apr 2025 £160 £267
    18 Apr - 28 Apr 2025 £135 £222
    29 Apr - 13 Jun 2025 £155 £260
    14 Jun - 30 Jun 2025 £135 £222
    01 Jul - 31 Jul 2025 £130 £206
    01 Aug - 05 Sep 2025 £112 £179
    06 Sep - 29 Sep 2025 £150 £244
    30 Sep - 01 Nov 2025 £165 £277
    02 Nov - 31 Dec 2025 £130 £206
    As an alternative to flying, we can arrange rail travel from London

    Travelling from the UK

    Travelling from outside the UK

    If you are flying from outside Europe,  we recommend flying via Madrid. To discuss onward connecting travel to the start of your holiday, please contact us.

    Outward route Airline
    Birmingham - Madrid British Airways,  Iberia,  Ryanair 
    Birmingham - Madrid (via Amsterdam Schiphol) KLM 
    Outward route Airline
    Bristol - Madrid easyJet 
    Outward route Airline
    Edinburgh - Madrid easyJet,  Iberia 
    Outward route Airline
    Liverpool - Madrid easyJet 
    Outward route Airline
    London City - Madrid British Airways 
    Outward route Airline
    Gatwick - Madrid Air Europa,  easyJet,  Iberia,  Vueling 
    Outward route Airline
    Heathrow - Madrid British Airways,  Iberia 
    Outward route Airline
    Luton - Madrid easyJet 
    Outward route Airline
    Stansted - Madrid Ryanair 
    Outward route Airline
    Manchester - Madrid Iberia,  Ryanair 
    Outward route Airline
    Newcastle - Madrid (via Amsterdam Schiphol) KLM 
    Travelling from outside the UK

    If you are flying from outside Europe,  we recommend flying via Madrid. To discuss onward connecting travel to the start of your holiday, please contact us.

    This list of flight options should be used as a guide only, and you should check each airline’s website for current routes, frequency and schedules. Not all flights operate daily, and may not run for the entire season. You should also heed the latest flight arrival time and earliest flight departure time, as it may not be possible to arrange connecting travel outside these times. Please do not book your flights until we have confirmed your accommodation to you. Alternatively, our expert reservations team will be happy to offer advice and to make flight bookings for you for any of the options listed above. We charge £35 per person for our flight booking service. Your flights are then covered by our package-booking conditions, which give you greater protection in the event of delay or cancellation, as well as providing ATOL cover.

  • Prices below are based on 2 people travelling together.

    Unless otherwise stated, connecting travel by rail or bus tends to be from the city centre station, rather than from its airport, and connections between the two should be paid for locally.

    Where a price range is given, the price you pay depends on your date of travel.

    Connecting travel options - flying via Madrid

    Outward route Price per person Latest flight
    arrival time
    rail Madrid Chamartin to Segovia AV (0h30) included 1700
    Homeward route Price per person Earliest flight
    departure time
    own travel arrangements hotel to Madrid airport pay locally flexible
What is included
  • 6 nights
  • 6 breakfasts
  • city maps and notes for walking tours
  • detailed cultural information
  • rail travel Segovia-Madrid

If you've experienced this holiday first hand, why not write a review?

We are keen for as many customers as possible to review their holiday. To make it easier to do so, we include a specific review section on our post-holiday questionnaire, and this is what we publish here, unedited. Read our full review policy >



If you have any questions relating to this or any other Inntravel holiday, our friendly travel experts will be happy to help. You might also find our General FAQs section helpful.
  • The information that we send to you 2-3 weeks before your holiday includes practical information about each stage of your journey so that you can travel confidently from one hotel to another, recommendations for places to visit and eat out in each place, plus cultural information about the area. Where applicable, we also provide notes for a self-guided walking tour of most cities, and some large towns. Sample travel pack >
  • We can book a wide range of routes from the UK with a variety of airlines. As well as being more convenient for you to book all elements of your holiday together, it also means that we’ll accept liability for your travel arrangements, so if things go wrong, such as the airline going bust, we’ll make suitable alternative arrangements for you. The fee for this service is £35 per person (£15 for children aged 2-11). More information on flights >
  • Absolutely! We are experts in tailored rail travel. Making use of sleeper trains or stopovers in cities along the route, we can get you from London to virtually anywhere in mainland Europe. We can even make arrangements to Mallorca, Sicily and Norway with a combination of ferries and rail. Please contact us to discuss your plans.
  • We can’t book flights that originate outside the UK, but if you wanted to book your own flights to London (or elsewhere in the UK), we can make all onward travel arrangements (including flights) from there. Alternatively, if you are booking your own flights to an airport in continental Europe that’s appropriate for your holiday, we can book onward rail travel and/or taxis. More information about how we can tailor holidays for customers outside the UK >
  • Once you’ve decided on your exact itinerary (our travel experts will be happy to offer advice), you need to provide us with your party’s details, either by phone or via our booking form. At this point we also ask you to pay a deposit so that we can secure a room for you immediately on confirming availability with the hotel(s). If it turns out that we can’t secure the accommodation for the holiday you’ve requested, or offer an acceptable alternative, we’ll refund your deposit promptly and in full. After booking your accommodation and other key elements, we'll then book your travel (or you can do so if you’re making your own arrangements) and send you a Booking Confirmation and Invoice.

    More information about the booking process >
    Information about accommodation, general practicalities and more >
    Booking conditions >
  • Yes, it’s something we insist on, even for holidays in the UK. The vast majority of holidays go smoothly, but when things go wrong, it can be expensive to put them right. Buying a new pair of walking boots after your suitcase is stolen mightn’t seem so bad, but the bill for being airlifted down from a mountain with a broken leg or flown home while still recovering from an illness or accident can incur a five or six-figure bill.

    Many insurers offer travel insurance (you can find details on our insurance page of a policy that you may like to consider if you are a UK resident), but you do need to make sure that you’re covered for medical emergencies – including falling ill with Covid-19 while on holiday – and repatriation. We also recommend that you are covered for other eventualities, such as cancellation and loss of luggage and passports.

    When you purchase a policy, be sure to check that it covers the activities you'll be doing on holiday and that it is adequate for your own individual needs.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure you are in possession of the correct travel documents, with the correct validity. If you’re a UK citizen, you need a full British passport to travel to Spain, but not a visa (please note, however, that a new travel authorisation system is being introduced). If you are a citizen of another country, you’ll need to check requirements with the national embassy or your own consulate.

    Current information regarding vaccinations and travel health advice for UK citizens can be found through the Travel Health Pro website. You must make sure you have adequate insurance cover for illness, accidents and repatriation (see the insurance question). You should also apply for a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) if your EHIC has expired (if you have a still-valid EHIC, you can use this until it expires).
  • (Castilian) Spanish is one of several official languages; Catalan, Basque and Gallego have equal status in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia, respectively. The currency is the Euro. Spanish time is GMT/UTC + 1. It uses Daylight Saving Time, so in summer is on BST + 1.
  • For information on the practicalities of travel now that the UK is no longer part of the European Union, visit
  • The UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) provides up-to-date, country-by-country travel advice, as well as information on security, local laws, passports and visas for UK citizens.

    If you live outside the UK, see our essential travel information page for a list of relevant websites.
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