Privacy FAQs

If you have any specific questions about privacy, you may find the answer in our Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Privacy is the discipline of handling personal information in a strictly controlled manner, to meet the following objectives:

    • to be transparent about any personal information that is collected and what it will be used for;
    • to protect the information from accidental or malicious loss, damage, unlawful processing or disclosure;
    • for legal compliance.
  • Your personal information is extremely important and there are a number of threats associated with the inappropriate disclosure and/or use of your information, including:

    • identity theft
    • fraud
    • SPAM

    According to the UK Fraud Prevention Service (CIFAS), nearly two thirds of all fraud is the direct result of account takeovers, impersonation and the misuse of personal details. To reduce the risks, you must treat your personal information with great care and only disclose it if you feel confident that it will be handled appropriately.
  • While the safety of your personal information can never be 100% guaranteed, we take privacy extremely seriously and adopt many measures to minimise the risks, including:

    • we use industry standard technologies to protect our IT systems from accidental or intentional (malicious) mis-use;
    • we provide privacy training to our staff, to ensure that they understand their responsibilities when handling your personal information, and the correct processes to follow;
    • we perform risk assessments and privacy impact assessments when starting a new project and when hiring a 3rd party to process personal information on our behalf.
  • Don't automatically trust every website or email which asks you to provide your personal information. Take time to check that the request is valid, and that the personal information requested is absolutely necessary for the services that you are looking to use.
  • This Privacy Centre aims to provide one place to find all the information you need about how we handle your personal information. There are a few key objectives:

    • transparency, to make it clear what personal information we collect and how we use it, what we do to protect it, and how you can contact us;
    • ease of use, to make it easy for you to find the information that you are looking for.
  • You have the right at any time to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by ticking/un-ticking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any time by sending an unsubscribe request to [email protected] who can change your marketing preferences.
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